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Remembrance service at school

The school’s annual day of remembrance will be on November 10.

Springs Boys’ High School’s annual Remembrance Day service will be held on their premises on November 10.

The service commemorates past learners who lost their lives in the service of the country and all the people who gave their tomorrow so “we can have a better today”.

All interested people are invited to attend.

Anyone wishing to lay a wreath on the day is asked to contact the school.

The family members of the school’s past teachers and learners who passed on and would like to have plaques erected on the school’s Wall of Remembrance should contact the school.

Attendance is by booking only.

The service will start at 11:45 for noon.

Entry to the school will be on Eldoret Road.

For bookings or enquiries, call the school on 011 818 2175.

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