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Local schools welcome new faces

2025 is the year of new beginnings for many children and teachers alike.

The corridors of schools around Springs were filled with the excited scurrying of the new Grades Ones. Parents bid farewell to their growing children as they entered school for the first time.

These first steps will determine their whole schooling journey and Laerskool Werda’s principal, Jaco Lombard, is just as excited.

“This year is going to be exciting. As one of the biggest schools in Springs, I want our children to do even more and go on to achieve all they set out to achieve.”

Laerskool Werda did more than just welcome Grades Ones. They also welcomed new Grade Rs and new staff to their fold.

“I would like to extend a special welcome to Tshifhiwa Kave (Grade One teacher), Charlize van Eck (Grade One teacher), Tanya Both (admin), Cielie Terrell (Grade Four maths teacher), Madelize Nell (Grade Four Afrikaans teacher) and Tanya Möller (Grade Six Afrikaans teacher) to our school.

“I know everyone will enjoy their time here and work to the best of their ability.”

The Grade Ones at Rainbow Education Centre started their day off with colouring in. All three classes were a flurry of activity including comparing playdough colours to making new friends.

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