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Missing person sought by Mtunzini SAPS

Mtunzini police seek information on missing Gloria Fikile Nxele

The police in Mtunzini are looking for any information on the whereabouts of Gloria Fikile Nxele, who went missing on 22 November.

According to the police report, she left her home in Ongoye at around 7.45am to go to a job interview at Ingalangala School in eSikhaleni, which was scheduled for 10am on the day in question.

Police intelligence further revealed that at 1.50pm, Nxele contacted her mother on a private number and asked her to send a family member, Ayanda, to the University of Zululand’s main gate to take her wallet, which she forgot, and her second cellphone.

The police said Ayanda did as requested and handed over the items to an unknown male, as an explanation had been given, but did not see Nxele.

“After that, nothing was heard from her. An SMS notification was received by her mother that money was withdrawn from her account. The total amount withdrawn was R2 940,” said the police.

Anyone who may have information on Nxele’s whereabouts is urged to contact the investigating officer, S Mabuyakhulu on 035 3409823 or 083 9570874.

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