Be mine: Should we play into the Valentine’s Day hype?
Zululanders discuss whether or not they'll celebrate Valentine's Day

“Valentine’s Day is a sham created by card companies to reinforce and exploit gender stereotypes,” – Liz Lemon (Tina Fey, 30 Rock).
Sceptical as this quote is, Valentine’s Day has indeed become highly commercialised.
The local stores have played their part in the marketing of it, with teddy bears, heart-shaped chocolates and overpriced flowers on display (alongside Easter eggs and leftover Christmas chocolates, no less).
It’s difficult not to let the marketing get into your head to do something special, but it’s also okay not to buy flowers on this ‘day of love’.
“If you love someone, you can show them any day, anytime, anywhere and it will cost less than having to pay top prices for chocolates and flowers,” shared one Zululander.
“We don’t play into the hype,” said another Empangeni couple.
“We generally give a gift to each another because our anniversary is close to the date. We go out for supper, keep it simple and buy something we each need,” she added.
“My partner doesn’t really play into the Valentine’s Day hype. We’ll just do the typical chocolates, maybe have a braai and we’ll chat until bedtime,” said a Felixton resident.
At the end of the day, flowers wilt and teddy bears gather dust on the shelves. The greatest gift is how we treat each other every day of the year.
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