Are you a problem solver or problem avoider?
Grow your mind to solve bigger problems in life.
“You get paid in proportion to the difficulty of the problem you solve.” – Elon Mask
The world is full of people who are masters in describing problems and explaining why something went wrong and why it can’t be done. But what the world needs is somebody who gets things done, period!
Most people complain about the fact that nothing happens in their lives and for that they blame external circumstances and they never include themselves as part of the problem.
This is the attitude and mindset most people adopt in life. It’s always been true that your attitude determines your altitude.
Your mindset will always, without fail determines how high you fly in life. In the words of Elon Mask, you get paid in proportion to the difficulty of the problem you solve.
This simply means that if you avoid problems and don’t solve any, you won’t get paid by the marketplace.
If you solve easy problems, you get paid little. If you however solve big and difficult problems that most people run away from, you get paid handsomely.
This is a matter of the attitude you chose to adopt in life and it becomes your operating principle. The brain can be shaped by any experience, positive or negative, it doesn’t discriminate.
The brain is plastic-like meaning that it’s flexible and this phenomenon is known as neuroplasticity. Problems carry your growth and reward and avoiding them means that your growth is sabotaged.