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Burglars dig hole into shop

On Thursday November 7, while everybody was sleeping, some thieves made a hole by removing bricks in a wall of a stall at the shopping centre.

EDEN PARK – The owner of the cellphone repair shop, Johannes, was shocked when he arrived at the shop on Friday morning and found a hole in the wall and all cellphones left by customers stolen.

“It is not the first time the thieves had targeted my shop. Every time I reported a burglary, nothing ever came up. Taking of fingerprints by the cops seems like a useless effort and that is why I won’t bother to report the burglary. It costs me a lot of money to replace the stolen cellphones,” said the perturbed Johannes. It is alleged by many of the stall owners that most of the burglaries at the shopping centre are carried out by the drug edicts who sit purposelessly in front of the shops the whole day.

The owners allege that the stoep-sitters sit and plan how, when and which shop or stall to break in to. Shame on them!

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