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Union Street truck incidents cause major disruptions

The community hopes for the ongoing issue to finally be addressed to ensure safer and smoother traffic flow on Union Street.

Several trucks again broke down recently on the corner of Union and Radio streets in Alberton North, blocking most of Union Street and causing significant traffic disruptions.

It is not an isolated incident because truck issues on this street have been problematic for many years.

“Union Street was resurfaced just two years ago and is already in poor condition due to frequent truck breakdowns. Smaller vehicles struggle to navigate the damaged road, and the lack of sidewalks means there is no safe way around the trucks,” said a resident.

Trucks on Union Street.

Residents and local business owners are frustrated with the Ekurhuleni council.

They have reported these issues for over a decade, but nothing has changed.

On May 20, this was the third truck stuck on the hill on Union Street and obstructing traffic.

“Union Street is the only way in and out for many businesses, and hundreds of vehicles use it daily. The blocked road has created chaos, making it difficult for people to get to work and businesses to operate.

“We have complained about this for years, but nothing gets done,” said one local business owner.

A truck tipper jackknifed and overturned on Union Street.

“Most of these trucks are not roadworthy. It is dangerous and inconvenient,” said another business owner.

The damaged road is worsening because of the constant truck incidents, adding to the community’s frustration.

Residents ask the Ekurhuleni council to take immediate action to fix the road and manage truck traffic better to prevent future problems.

The Alberton Record sent an email for comment to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and the EMPD and will publish it as soon as it is received.

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