Keep your hair happy this winter

Your hair needs special care during winter.

JOHANNESBURG SOUTH – Its not only your skin that needs extra attention during winter. Hair also needs special care during the cold months.

Your body produces natural oils to protect your skin. This is also the case with your hair. Do not over wash your hair.

A good rule of thumb would be to reduce your normal amount of washings during the winter months. This gives the natural oil your body produces the opportunity to do what it is supposed to do, protect your precious strands.

If you battle to reduce the number of times you wash your hair, you can rinse your hair with water, skip the shampoo and only condition the ends of your hair.

You should also try to minimise your heat treatments during winter, rather air-dry your hair when possible. If you have curly hair, use a leave-in treatment suited for your hair type.

If you feel you have to heat style your hair, invest in a product aimed at protecting your hair when styling.

Treat yourself every once in a while. Massage your scalp with vitamin E oil, olive oil or coconut oil before you wash your hair. If you feel your hair needs a little more attention than usual you can also leave the oil in as a treatment.

It might also be a good idea to trim your hair during winter to get rid of your dead ends. The professionals will also suggest products for your hair type.


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