
DA calls for the open tender process

DA’s Chief Whip in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), Clr Ashor Sarupen, said awarding of tenders should be open to the public.

He said the open tender process motion was turned down earlier this year in the council’s programming committee.

He said the Speaker of Council, Clr Patricia Khumalo refused to allow the debate in the council chamber, saying the executive mayor was in the process of tightening up the various systems in the municipality to minimise corruption.

“Six months later, nothing has been done by the mayor. Or, if he has, he’s not sharing the information with members of council. The DA will not just sit back and watch as millions that should be spent on the poor are lost through corruption and wasteful expenditure,” said Clr Sarupen.

In the motion, Clr Sarupen said opening up the awarding of tenders to the scrutiny of the public would reduce corruption.

“Activities of government should be open to the public for scrutiny. Corruption sabotages the economy, steals from the taxpayer and kills the hopes of the poor. Members of the public should have oversight over the use of all public funds. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and the Municipal Systems Act requires that government conducts itself in an open and transparent manner. No public funds should be lost to corruption and maladministration,” he said.

He added that corruption in the awarding of tenders is affecting service delivery.

“Tender fraud is a scourge that directly impacts service delivery. The Special Investigations Unit recently arrested officials in relation to the awarding of a R32-million IT tender in the metro. The former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Ekurhuleni and four other officials of EMM were suspended pending the outcome of an investigation regarding a smart water meter tender process. Various matters relating to the awarding of tenders are under investigation by internal audit and the SIU,” Clr Sarupen said.

He added that if the council turns down this motion, it will have to explain to the residents why it would not accept that the public has a right to know how and which tenders are awarded in Ekurhuleni.

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