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Elderlies of Thembalami Care Centre explore Joburg Zoo

Residents strolled through the zoo, soaking in the sights and sounds of their animal friends.

Residents from Thembalami Care Centre and Max Ordman Deaf Association roared with excitement on their recent adventure to the Johannesburg Zoo.

Conducted in two trips on October 16 and October 18 all residents had an opportunity to enjoy the fun
With the occupational therapy team by their side, residents strolled through the zoo, soaking in the sights and sounds of their animal friends.

Babalwa Gadala and Esther Fourie enjoyed seeing all the animals

ALSO READ: Bingo fun brings friends together at Thembalami Care Centre

Between safari strolls, residents enjoyed snack breaks and a hotdog lunch to recharge.

The unforgettable experience left residents excited for their next zoo outing.

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