Out with the old
With winter nearly over and spring just around the corner, now is the time to consider some new plants for the garden. This is the time of the season to remember the following words of advice – out with the old and in with the new. With spring being just around the corner, it is …
With winter nearly over and spring just around the corner, now is the time to consider some new plants for the garden.
This is the time of the season to remember the following words of advice – out with the old and in with the new.
With spring being just around the corner, it is also time to begin pruning. This past winter did not see too many cold days, so that means a lot of growth will need to be removed. There were not even cold days to remove or kill off excess growth.
It is also important to begin getting your garden clean and tidy for the coming spring, so that the new, or freshly pruned plants, will have somewhere to grow.
Once you have completed this, spring will now have a place in your garden. The only thing to add is some compost, to keep the beds nice and fertile.
Grow the best Primroses Primula acaulis are known as English Primroses. Related to the popular primula or fairy primula, this plant is a much-loved winter shade bedding plant. English Primroses are compact growing and colours range from yellow to red, pink, white, even mauve and blue. Centuries old, the original Primroses are surrounded by folklore which makes them even more special. English Primroses are a symbol of first love and also of purity because they flower so abundantly and always look bright and fresh. They are also said to attract fairies to the garden. Incredibly versatile to grow, simply apply liquid fertiliser multi-feed once every fortnight over the growing and flowering season and deadhead regularly to encourage flowering.