Help Morehill resident to continue feeding those in need
The project feeds about 300 residents every weekday.
Morehill resident and filmmaker Yakima Waner is urgently seeking donations to help assist the residents of the Plastic City informal settlement in Brakpan.
Through her NPO, The Harvest Project, Yakima has started a Covid-19 relief project and feeding scheme which is helping minorities and foreigners, especially children and the elderly at the informal settlement during the pandemic.
Film about Plastic City to be released
The project feeds about 300 residents every weekday.
Yakima said they are a group of four people who decided to be active during this lockdown so they can lend a helping hand to those in need.
“We choose to assist this community because they are very poor and vulnerable.
They rely on hand to mouth and they receive no aid from the government, especially during this period,” said Yakima.
“It is intense; any donations will really help us.
She said they are also making food parcels for foreign families who are suffering from starvation.
“We are also making masks and providing them with gloves and sanitisers,” she added.
“Children are relying on us for food and support during this world-changing shift.
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Yakima said they feed the poor community of Brakpan at the Blessings Eco Preparatory School, formally known as Teletubbies Day Care Centre and Pre-School on a daily basis as they are desperate,” said Yakima.
“We cook and pre-pack the food for the residents of Plastic City and distribute them on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The organisation will appreciate monetary and food donations of rice, maize meal, samp, or non-perishable food.
Donations can be dropped off at 89 Kingsway Avenue, Brakpan, or contact Yakima on 073 080 2133 for more information or email