Sanral: Reprieve proves the system is problematic
Outa says that they note with interest the relaxed conditions relating to the payment of E-tolls.
This follows the announced by the minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, in her Budget Vote speech.
“We believe that this announcement serves two purposes, one being another carrot to entice the public buy into the scheme and secondly, we believe the prosecuting authorities have noted an extreme difficulty exists in trying to achieve successful prosecution under the current regulations, terms and conditions,” says Outa chairperson, Wayne Duvenage.
“The Minister’s ‘reprieve’ is in fact further evidence that the system is fundamentally ill-conceived, unworkable and destined for the scrap heap of history.”
Outa believes that:
* Government needs to halt the scheme and do some deep soul searching as to why the ‘unroadworthy E-toll vehicle’ was ever allowed on the road in the first place. This is precisely what Premier Makhura’s panel aims to do.
* Discounts, relaxed conditions and threats of prosecution do not change the fact that E-tolling remains extremely expensive, irrational, inefficient and is not in the best interest of the people of South Africa.
* That the E-toll decision devoid of meaningful public participation and lacked proper consideration of the costs of collection and viable alternative options, which means that the scheme was therefore introduced unlawfully. Until this matter is addressed, the Government will not regain the willing support of the people on this issue.
Outa joint spokesperson and consultant, John Clarke, adds that the NPA and Outa share a common interest to promote the Rule of Law and need to work together.
“The confusion and distrust caused by the E-toll declaration, has created a wedge between citizens and the State, which must be removed.
“It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for one organ of state to pursue criminal prosecution over unpaid E-toll bills while another organ of state is inviting public engagement to examine the impact that E-tolls is having on the productivity of the region, the social well- being of its people, and the implications for the environment.”
Meanwhile, Outa urges the public to continue to donate to Outa at, so that they can support the first person prosecuted and finally have the unlawfulness arguments of the E-toll declaration ruled upon by the judiciary.
“The very existence of Makhura’s panel at this late stage itself proves Outa’s case that Sanral never did what it should have at the outset,” says Clarke. – @CarmenBoksburg