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The What’s On is for non-profit events only. Entries are at the editor’s discretion. Email your event details to Tayla Smit at taylas@caxton.co.za

November 10
East Rand Business Women gala event with Appel, 19:00. Info: karen.herbst@sanlam4u.co.za

November 11
East Rand Toyota fun day in aid of The Salvation Army, cnr Sydney and North Rand roads, 09:00. Bring along toys, non-perishable foods, clothing and shoes. Martin: 072 200 7212.

November 14
Inspan Volkspelelaer meet, Witfield Park Retirement Village, 19:00. Marita: 074 116 5497.

November 16
Suiderland Volkspelelaer get together (every Thursday), Reformed Church, Scribante Street, Libradene, 19:30. Johan: 082 443 3783.

November 18
Rotary Club Benoni Van Ryn Variety Show, Laerskool Westwood, live entertainment, three-course spitbraai, auction and raffle, bagpipes, bring non-perishable food for Laerskool Westwood’s underprivileged learners this Christmas. Janet: 084 238 2250.

November 19
East Rand Nomads fun day of bowls, Boksburg Bowling Club, 9:30 for 10:00.

November 30
Christmas Market, St Dominic’s School, 16:00 to 21:00. Email: Christmas@stdominics.co.za

December 2
Bokkie Park Day/Night Christmas Market, Southvale Road, 09:00 till 21:00. WhatsApp Janine on 072 713 3332.

December 3
A Night of Christmas concert, Word and Life Church, 17:00, featuring Friends of The Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Salvation Army, Word and Life Worship team.

November 18
Pug Rescue fundraiser – Paint, Plant and Sip hosted by Lorin Edgar, 11:30, includes all materials to paint three planter pots, welcome drink, succulents and soil, lunch at own cost. Book: fundraising@pugrescue.co.za

November 22 (every 4th Wednesday of month)

Benoni Toastmasters online Zoom meeting, 19:00. Annie: 074 400 2350/anniekalefya@yahoo.com

November 26
41st annual Toy Run, Benoni Northerns, mass rides arrive from 09:30. Go to www.toyrun.org.za/Facebook.

December 1 & 2
Norfest, presented by Northfield Methodist Church, from 09:00, R10pp and kids under 12 free, Christmas pantomime on opening day (tickets on entry), Duane Louw performs on December 2 following a worship concert, stalls, organic market, kids zone. Roland: 079 497 4492.

December 2
Once-off Griefshare session, “Surviving the holidays”, 09:00 to 11:00, Benoni Baptist Church, Farrarmere, R50 for the guide book, all welcome, refreshments served. Register: Marion – 065 951 6235/Colleen – 011 425 1992.

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