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Litter Bugs and K1 Recycling ensure marathon is clean

“While it certainly wasn’t perfect, it made a significant difference."

The Benoni Northerns Athletic Club (BNAC) took massive strides when it deployed recycling sorters and volunteers to the various water points along the Benoni Northerns Marathon route on April 21.

Members of Litter Bugs, K1 Recycling and learners from local schools took the lead to eliminate waste on the route to ensure a cleaner race.

BNAC member and founder of Litter Bugs, Samantha Choles, first partnered with K1 Recycling in 2019 and since then, they have been working together to improve waste separation and recycling.

“Sporting events generate large volumes of waste, much of which is recyclable. Companies like K1 Recycling can sell these recyclables to support jobs in local communities,” said Choles.

Samantha Choles and Tshepo Mazibuko

This year, Choles’ team assigned 15 K1 Recycling sorters and 15 volunteers from Litter Bugs and local schools to the various water points and at the finish.

“While it certainly wasn’t perfect, it made a significant difference than in previous years. More than 614kg of recyclables were separated, including paper cups, cardboard, water sachets, other plastics, glass bottles and cans.

“It’s hard work. There’s lots to learn but it is rewarding to see how little went into the skip that is destined for landfills,” added Choles.

Cleo de Keizer and Kate Zillen, bothin Grade 8 at Holy Rosary School.
Litter Bugs and K1 Recycling members with some of the waste collected on the marathon route.
Izabella Logan-van Zyl (9) from Rynfield Primary School was among the enthusiastic little helpers on the day.
Noz Taole with her daughters Tenele (12) and Nene (14) from Rynfield Primary and Ashton College respectively.

ALSO READ: Litter Bugs, learners clean Atlasville Spruit

ALSO READ: Rynfield resident takes on half-marathon challenge for mental health


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