Diarise these events
The What’s On is for schools, sports clubs and NPOs. Entries are at the editor’s discretion. Email your event details to Tayla Smit at taylas@caxton.co.za
August 17
Mathulana Foundation women empowerment event, Ethembeni Park, 09:00. Contact: 084 438 2719.
August 19
• Baanbreker Voortrekkers get together, Laerskool Baanbreker, 16:00. Call Jucinda: 072 314 5482.
• Susan Badenhorst Voortrekkers meet on Mondays, NG Kerk Witfield, 17:15. Call Gerhard: 083 293 1107.
August 20
Inspan Volkspelelaer meets, Witfield Park Retirement Village, 19:00. Marita: 074 116 5497.
August 28
Gouejare Manne-aand with 1995 rugby legends Joel Stransky and Andrew Mehrtens, Laerskool Concordia, 18:30 for 19:00. The event is in aid of needy children at the school. Call: 011 826 6139.
September 4
Boksburg Hiking Club meets at Atlas Bowling Club, bring and braai from 17:30, meeting starts at 19:00, cash bar. Call Barbara: 073 140 8162, email hikingclubboksburg@gmail.com or see www.boksburghiking.co.za
September 5
Boksburg Rugby Club golf day, ERPM Golf Club, shotgun start at 11:30. Contact Lallie: 079 967 1386 or admin@boksburgrugbyclub.co.za
September 7
Bokkie Park Food & Craft Market and Car Boot Sale, Southvale Road, Parkdene, 09:00 to 14:30, stalls, live entertainment, tea garden. Janine: 072 713 3332.
September 14
Inspan Volkspelelaer saamtrek, Witfield Park Retirement Village, 15:00. Marita: 074 116 5497.
September 19
East Rand Seniors’ Club meets, Boksburg Central Methodist Church, 10:00, all seniors welcome. Barbara: 082 443 3468.
October 11
Hoërskool Oosterlig manne-aand with Percy Montgomery, 18:30 for 19:00. Contact: sportseuns@hsoosterlig.co.za
August 17
• Cat Fanciers’ Club of South Africa show, Benoni Christian School, 5 Papawer Street, Northmead, from 10:00, spectator entry free, pet cat entry forms on request, entries close August 1. Email catfanciersclubofsa@gmail.com/Ingrid 072 324 6059.
• Benoni Garden Club workshop with the “bird whisperer” from the South African Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, Lavender Post Nursery, 14:00 to 16:00. Come learn about garden critters which frequent our gardens as well as suitable bird baths and bird feeders to lure birds to the garden. Contact: Wendy 084 584 4878
August 21
East Rand Business Women boots and tiaras, Sunkist Garden Pavillion, 11:00. Ivy Sutton will be the guest speaker. Contact: karen.herbst@sanlam4u.co.za
August 24
Insimbi Legacy Projects Amazing Race Out of Africa, Springs Mall, 11:00. This is not an endurance race and no level of fitness is required. Sharon: 083 626 6528
August 29
The Humanity Foundation and Urban Ruins golf day fundraiser, in aid of Urban Ruins building maintenance and upgrades, corporate sponsors sought, four-ball format, tee-off 07:00, Benoni Country Club. Clayton or Zelda: 081 747 0833.
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Also Read: Events to diarise