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St Francis continues founder’s legacy

St Francis Care Centre is a registered NPO catering to dozens of vulnerable children and adults, most of them suffering from threatening and/or life-limiting conditions.

The St Francis Care Centre continue to honour the legacy of its founder, Father Stan Brennan, by providing services to the sick, poor and vulnerable.

This is according to centre manager Tilly Brouwer, who spoke at the centre’s 30th AGM on September 17 to reflect on the 2023/24 financial year.

In her report, Brouwer said this was made possible by donors who help to keep the centre afloat.

“The centre appreciates every donation that was received, big and small,” Brouwer said.

Brouwer spoke about the services rendered by St Francis.
St Francis Hospice
The manager said 297 patients and their families were provided with medical, physical, emotional and spiritual care in the palliative care in-patient unit.
“The diagnoses varied from prostate cancer, breast cancer, stoke, dementia and HIV/Aids. The social worker counselled many of the patients and members of their family.

Unfortunately, 54 patients passed on. We have been successful in establishing working relationships with medical aids such as Discovery, Bonnitas and GEMS, but medical aids

still have to acknowledge that some patients can not be nursed at home and need admission to an in-patient unit for proper palliative care – we will continue to work on this. We thank the Department of Health who provided subsidy for five of our 25 beds.”

Rainbow cottage
Brouwer said during the past year they cared for 50 children aged between zero to seven years, of which seven were new admissions.
“We thank the Department of Social Development for their financial support and positive encouragement.”

Home-based care programme
Home-based care services have continued in Vosloorus from the rented classroom inside the premises of St Albert Catholic Church in Sotho section. The programme is meant for the vulnerable groups like orphans and children infected /affected by HIV, destitute families and unemployed youth and adults who have chronic illnesses.

HTS programme
Brouwer said during the period under review, 8760 people were tested for HIV of which 250 tested positive. Nine thousand people were screened for TB and 300 men were referred for medical male circumcision.

“During the period under review the centre maintained its relationships with existing funders who continued to support us,” said Brouwer.
Brouwer added that a fundraiser was appointed.

A successful Barnyard evening was arranged for the centre.

Government funding
The centre is grateful for the funding received from the Department of Health and the Department of Social Development.

Overseas funding
“We are extremely grateful for the funding received from Barmhertzigkeit, the Hunger March and Sr Irene.

“To the board, under leadership of our late chairperson, Themba Ntshalntshali, thank you for your dedication, guidance, assistance and encouragement. Your commitment to the St Francis Care Centre is greatly appreciated,” Brouwer concluded.

Also Read: St Francis grateful for wool items

Also Read: Help St Francis Care Centre with this month’s wish list


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