News of yesteryear
These were some of the local stories making headlines in years gone by.
This week we look back at the Herald of April 21, 1995.
• Drunks rule in town centre
Shop owners and residents in central Brakpan are concerned about an explosive situation which, they claim, is caused by people who frequent a beer hall in Kitzinger Avenue.
They say drunk patrons of the beer hall run amok in the shopping centre, scaring off shoppers who are sick of being approached by drunks for money.
Motor vehicle thefts from the parking area are on the increase and, in one parking lot, drunk vagrants sleep in the bays, making it difficult to park there.
Drivers are also avoiding the area because it is nearly always littered with broken bottles.
On Monday, the Herald visited the beer hall, but the owner was not there.
A bartender said the premises opened at 6.30am every morning and closed at 10.30pm.
There were several people inside and a group of others sitting on upturned crates in a yard, drinking beer.
One was a woman, holding a baby.
Half an hour later two of the men came out and ran down the road, into Prince George Avenue, jumping and dancing and banging on shop windows.
Clr Hennie Boyens, who spoke out strongly at a recent council meeting on the issuing of too many liquor licences in Brakpan, said he knew of the disturbances being caused and was going to bring the matter before council.
“I know all about the drunks and the muggings,” he said.
“It’s disgusting and I don’t blame people for avoiding the area.
“Something has to be done about it.
“The noise caused by the drunks there is also unbearable.”
Read: Delving into Brakpan’s past
• Poskantoor is beroof
Vier rowers het Saterdagoggend ’n werknemer van die Brenthurst Poskantoor in Rookstraat oorrompel toe sy oopgesluit het.
Die mans het mev T Daws na binne gedwing, waarna hulle ’n onbekende bedrag kontant en Ithuba-kaartjies geneem het.
Die boewe het gevlug en die saak word deur die polisie ondersoek.
• Don’t cycle in the Brakpan Mall
School holidays mean an increased risk of injury to shoppers in the Brakpan Mall.
This is due to children who continue to use the complex as a thoroughfare or practise area for two-wheel tricks.
Despite stringent fines (from a minimum of R20), no cycling signs and plenty of warnings from the Brakpan Traffic Department, the cyclists don’t let up.
Pensioners are largely affected and several have been injured in the past by thoughtless young cyclists, who don’t even stop when they collide with pedestrians.
But there’s a strong warning for the youngsters who persist in breaking the law by cycling in the area.
If they are caught in the act by a traffic officer, their parents could be in for a financial shock.
• Paasnaweek was maar stil
Die hoeveelheid huisbrake en motordiefstalle wat oor die paasnaweek voorgekom het, is deur die polisie as “normaal” bestempel.
Altesaam 19 huisbrake en sewe gevalle van motordiefstal is aangemeld.
Volgens kol André Muller is dié normaal, maar die polisie sou natuurlik graag wou sien dat geen voorvalle plaasvind nie.
“Ons moet ook in ag neem dat baie mense vir die langnaweek weg was, en party nog steeds met vakansie was,” het hy gesê.
Mnr Gideon Oosthuizen, hoof van Brakpan se brandweer, het gesê dat die naweek ook vir sy departement betreklik rustig verloop het.
Dit wil voorkom of motoriste ook hul beste voetjie voorgesit het.
Mnr Anton Balt, van die verkeersdepartement, het gesê dat die naweek ook relatief kalm verloop het.
“Ons het nie spesiale optredes gehou nie, maar die gewone wetstoepassing uitgeoefen,” het hy vertel.
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or Stacy Slatter (news editor)
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