
Celebrating the Heart of the Home: Happy Mother's Day!
To all the incredible moms out there, today we honour you for your endless love, unwavering strength, and boundless compassion. From the moment we entered this world, you’ve been our guiding light, our source of comfort, and our greatest cheerleader.

Mother’s Day is not just a day to celebrate mothers—it’s a day to celebrate everything you do, every sacrifice you make, and every hug you give that makes our lives brighter. You are the heartbeat of our homes, the ones who hold us together through thick and thin.
May you feel cherished, appreciated, and surrounded by love.
On this special day, this is how we feel about you...
Lynne Bester
My heel beste vriendin en grootste ondersteuner. Ek weet nie waar ek sou wees as dit nie vir my ma was nie. Sy is n ma vir baie en my groot inspirasie. Mamma, ek sal nooit genoeg kan se hoe spesiaal ma vir my is nie. Ma het n groot plek in my hart wie niemand sal kan vervang nie. Ek is trots om mamma se dogter te kan wees. Moet nooit vergeet hoe spesiaal ma vir my is nie.

Rose Ann Petersen
My mum was a remarkable women, one of the best. A strong woman who would stand against anything coming her way. She was my best friend, my foundation, my mum. I could talk openly about anything to her. She would listen and give advise. She was a mum who would praise us and always talked good about her children. She was one of a kind. God gave us the best mother ever. May her soul rest in peace. She was loved.
Nicolene du Plooy
Dankie vir elke drukkie, woord van bemoediging en liefdesdade wat ma vir ons gee!

Santa Lewis
My mom might not be here anymore she past 4 years ago but i wil always love her as she is she were always there for me she always knew what to say to make any day brighter she had a heart of gold helping every one she could in need she would share half of what she had just to help others she had a soothing voice that would calm anyone o i miss her so i wish that heaven had visiting ours just to see and hear her once a while would be great especialy on dark days just to hear her say everthing wil be ok i wil never forget her she wil alway be my everyting love you mom for ever.
Esther Sebetoane
Mommy you are so special to me, words can’t even describe how much I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You played the role of being a mother and father to us so well, we never went to bed hungry. I thank God everyday that you still in our lives till this day, You are the best and i will forever love you…

Helena Dr Vos Botha
Dankie Ma…
Dat ma daar is as ek iemand nodig het om by te kan af pak, dat ma my altyd ondersteun, dat ma daar is in die moeilike en goeie tye.
Dankie dat ma my nog nooit weg gewys het nie, toe ek ondersteuning nodig gehad het ek altyd geweet dat ek enige tyd welkom is terug by my ouer huis.
Maak nie saak hoe lelik of moeilik ek al was nie ma het dit nog nooit teen my gehou of my weggestoot nie.
Ek kon nie vir n beter ma gevra het nie en dank die liewe Here elke dag dat ek so bevoorreg is om MA as my ma te kan he.
Nie net die beste ma nie maar ouma ook…
Skallie Duvenhage
Vir moeder kan ek nooit genoeg dankie sê vir al ma se liefde en omgee nie. My hart is gevul met trots en baie liefde as ek aan moeder dink, want Jesus het my geseën met ń wonderlike en liefdevolle ma. Lief ma oneindig baie.

Riena Engelbrecht
Moeder. Al is moeder nie meer met ons nie verlang ons nog steeds na moeder. Ek en Carol mis ma oneindiglik en mag die engeltjies ma en al die moeders hierdie moedersdag bederf in die hemel. Ma was en sal altyd n regte Florence Nightingale wees en n vrou wat omgegee het. Lief ma, van al ma se kinders en kleinkinders en agter kleinkinders.
Matshidiso Elisa Sehaole
This year marks exactly 17 years since our mom passed and you granny have been taking care of us since. Know that we appreciate all your efforts and may the Lord bless you more.

Johanna Pretorius
Mamma !!
Hoe kan ek ooit in woorde my dankbaarheid wys.
Vir n Mamma wat tot in my siel kan kyk.
Ek sê dit dalk nie altyd genoeg nie maar woorde kan nie beskryf hoe lief ons Ma het nie !!
Netta Van Der Heever
Words can’t describe how special you are, always being there for me in good and bad, when I fell pregnant at only 15 year’s old you were there all the way even till today , my child is turning 23 year’s old, you are still here, giving advice, helping us get through difficult times, where you maybe going through but i’ll rather be there for us and set aside your own problems .the lord sent us an angel and we so so grateful for you mom. I love you so so much.

Puseletso Mosesi
My mother is my inspiration, my superhero, my best friend, and my guiding light. My life would not have been beautiful without my mother. Through ups and downs and in every step of life, she holds my hand and supports and encourages me.
Patricia Sukdev
After mum passed you took her place, want to thank you for everything you did and still do for all of us, we so many yet you have the time to please every one. We are so honoured and blessed to have you…God bless you Pat…

Kedibone (masponkie) Maloisane
Planned or not you kept me .
All alone with no one to guide you. I remember hearing your piecing cry’s, yet you held on till the day a Rose was born.
My cry’s where not like yours.
Not painful, I remember them making you shed a few. Not because of resentment or pity but of joy.
You call all to come and rejoice for the seed you had carried for nine months was born.
A beauty indeed.
You could have chosen to leave me there but, you choose to raise me .
Through every fall, you helped me stand,
With gentle hands and a loving command.
You taught me to rise, to face the sun,
And in your eyes, my heart has won.
Your love has been a guiding light,
A beacon in the dark of night.
With every step, with every fall,
You’ve been there to catch me, through it all.
Now it’s my turn to help you stand,
To be the strength that you’ve always planned.
I’ll be your rock, your guiding way,
And together, we’ll face each new day.
My love the woman of my dreams’ I love you mom.
Thank you mum for being the best gran/mum to us. We love and appreciate you so very much, you are truly a legend in our eyes.

Lorna Smith
MAMMA….Waar begin ek om dankie te se vir alles wat mamma vir ons gesin doen. Dankie is nie genoeg nie, mamma verdien meer as net n dankie. Mamma se gebede en op offerings en trane het ons vandag waar ons wil wees, mamma het nooit opgegee nie of nie eenkeer gekla nie DANKIE. Ek is baie lief vir mamma en dankie dat mamma ook na pa kyk wat siek is ek weet dis nie altyd maklik nie BAIE DANKIE my ystervrou MAMMA. Soos hulle se IF THERE IS MEDALS FOR MOTHERS MAMMA YOU WIN EVERY ONE.
Isabellla Pfahl
Ma wens ma was nog hier.(oorlede 25 November 2022) Ek verlang mamma baie daar is nie woorde nie.
Wens ek kan die woorde EK IS LIEF VIR JOU hoor.
Hierdie is die 2de moedersdag sonder mamma, mamma sal altyd in my hart by my wees.
Lief en verlang mamma baie.

Miemie Erasmus
Baie gelukkige moedersdsg vir ma ek hoop die Here ma nog Baie Baie lank vir ons sal spaar. Ons is Baie Baie Lief vir ma…Dankie dat ma altyd daar is vir ons maak nie saak wat nie ma is vir ons baie Kosbaar.
Marita Wetdewich
Love You mom.

Ruleyn Scholtz
Nomineer my dogter, as ek mag. Sy is tog ook ‘n moeder.
Van rabbadoe, na super moeder.
Sy is self ‘n moeder en het moeder geword vir 2 ekstra stief kindertjies. Skoene wat ek self nie sou kon vul. Met baie verantwoordelikheid, doen sy dit so goed. Aanvaarding, liefde, omgee, vertroue, baie tyd en harde werk. Ek glo sy verdien ‘n groot spoil op moedersdag, want sy is ‘n moeder duisent
Diile Seoke
You’re the best mom, you have a good heart and you’re always there to support me in good and in bad times. I love you so much. I am the woman I am today because of you.

Thandi Mirriam Mathe
I don’t even know where to start when I think about my mom, because she played a big role in my life. She raised us as a single parent she played a role of being the father and the mother in our lives. When you talk about a real hustler you talking about my mom, she was selling sweets and snacks at school and we never went to bed with empty stomach, we had full school uniform like other children. I will like to thank her for raising us and raising our kids too, we will forever be grateful for everything. Happy mother’s day mom I love with all my heart. GOD Bless YOU
Debbie Thoresson
My dearest Mother.
Today I hope you feel as supported, believed in, and loved as you have made me feel every day of my life.
Your love has been there for me, always.
Of all the memories I hold dear, the ones I treasure most are the ones with you. Thank you for all you love, attention and guidance throughout my whole life. You are truely one amazing mother. I am Blessed I thank my God for a beautiful mother like you!
with all my love
Your dearest daughter
Donna Prinsloo

Glenda Hofsta
Thank you for all that you do and are for us.
We appreciate and love you.
Thank you for being my babies grandma, teacher, first aider, doctor,
Thank you for being my Seamstress, my rock, my prayer warrior.
Thank you for showing me that giving up is not a option
Thank you for always having our backs and praying for us
Thank you QUEEN
We love you
Thank you My Ma
Limkatso Mabel Kutoane
Mom, you have been the best mother ever. I will adore you through sickness and health. You have thought us to be a strong bond as we are still.
You have lost sight through sickness but you can still identify us by voice. I wish you a very happy mother’s day.
We are because of you

Shantal Pretorius
Ma is ons rots en ons gom….. n ouma duisend en n steun pilaar….. deur als is ma altyd daar en altyd reg met raad en liefde
Kotie Prinsloo
Baie baie dankie vir alles wat ma vir ons doen en nogsteeds doen ons waardeur ma uit ons harte uit en al doen ma nogsteeds alles alleen sal ons nooit vergeet watter goeie ma die Here vir ons gegee het nie. Ek, my boetie en my sussie is die Here ewig dankbaar vir n ma soos ma. Lief vir ma met alles in my. Liefde Boeta.

Yolandie Koen
Ek kan met alle eerlikheid se dat my ma een van die sterkste vrouens is wat ek ken..
Sy het al haar regte pa verloor,haar stief pa, haar ouma en haar eie seun maar tog na al die jare se hartseer het sy nogsteeds sterk gestaan en hierdie wereld gewys dat sy nie gaan le nie.
Ek is so dankbaar dat ek haar my mamma kan noem en dank die Here elke dag vir so n goeie mamma en n goeie ouma.
Ek wens vir haar net geluk toe en mag die Here haar styf vashou deur al die jare wat voorle.
Sy is een Amazing sterk vrou wat op hierdie aarde gesit is om die wereld n beter plek te kan maak en te wys dat al is daar hartseer in jou lewe jy nogsteeds heelbo kan uitkom.
En sy staan nog altyd saam my deur dik en dun en ek sal verewig dankbaar wees vir n mamma soos sy!!!!
Thaithai Martha Tsoari

Sempone Ramothiba
You stood by me even when family judged me in many way. From day u gave birth to me you have been so supportive to me. Taught me the meaning of a woman taught me the difference between a lady and normal woman. You are an amazing grandmother to my children. Yes me and u have been on the raff path but we overcame it through the love we have for each other thank you for the mother and grandmother to us love u a lot happy mother’s day mom. We love you!
Aletta Mkhwanazi
This Mother’s Day, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the most amazing woman in my life: my mom. She’s been my rock and my supporter.
Her love is unconditional, her sacrifices countless, and her kindness endless. She’s taught me so much about resilience, compassion, and the importance of family.
Mom, thank you for everything you do. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you more than words can express.

Corina Mkhabela
You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met, you have so much love to give and i am glad i still have a chance to wake up to your lazy voice on a voice note. I’m the happiest when i am with you. You draw in some strength and love. Cheers to a trying, loving and respectful mother. I love you
Victoria Jantjie
Even though we fight so much and always argue even with small things I just wanted to say I love you so much and really appreciate the support and confidence you give me in every situation. You are always there for me and let me try things on my own and when I fail you are always there to pick me up !!
I love you Mom!

Thabisile Sirala
No one in this world should have the power to talk you out of your dreams. Your dreams don’t have to make sense to anyone as long as you believe your dreams can come to fruition. Take back the power. DREAM BIG AND GO BIG and I am so proud of you for deciding to pursue your dream of being an attorney at the age 48years. Anything is possible my queen and pillar of strength.
Mokulubete Elizabeth Lebusa
To the most important woman in my life
Mom thank you for the life you give us and the love u showered us with all those years u are always there for us.
U are not just the mother to us but the community in large. I love you mom.

Khantshe Neo Jemima Majake-Makume
Mama, I love you like you are still alive. I miss you each and every day. My life is not the same without you. But I know how much you loved me. When my mom was sick I took care of her like there’s no tomorrow. I would even reject job offers because I knew what she would do if it was me. Her love for us was unconditional that is what I’ve learnt from her. On this mothers day, may she enjoy it in heaven. Keep resting mama. I will always love you. My mom was my best friend. Happy mothers day to all the mothers.
Makaja Hlobelo
Mama, mme motswadi my hero I don’t even know where to start words fails me because if I were to talk about you this could take me weeks or months….I’m very grateful that up to this day I still have you in my life ,you are a woman of dignity ,may your crown tilt but may it not fall off your head you have been nothing but the best ,how I wish the entire world could be granted with someone like you ,thank you for taking care of that one you never birthed yet you nurtured it like your own, thank you for all the efforts that you make just to see your kids happy ,may the good Lord greatly bless you abundantly…you are a woman 9f dignity with this being said HAPPY MOTHERS DAY NDLOVUKAZI YAMI ,I love you whole heartedly.

Mapaseka Chauzana
Thank you for being a source of strength, guidance, happiness, and inspiration to our family every day. Our world is a brighter place with you in it.
Any woman can be a mother, but it takes someone special to be called “Mom.”
Mom, you’re the best.
Happy Mother’s Day, my love!
Susan Strydom
A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take”. Thank you mom for Everything and keeping our Family together.
Lots of love Shaon, Henning and Dirkie

Girty Ehlers
Op 26/12/2023 Het ek die een mens verloor wat my hele lewe aanmekaar gehou het. Daar was en sal nooit weer so iemand wees nie. Sy was n deftige vrou wat jy altyd deur n ring kon trek, maar sy was ook plat op die aarde. Haar hart en hande was altyd oop vir enige iemand wat dit nodig gehad. Sy het soveel liefde gehad om te gee. As ek aan haar dink is dit in die kombuis waar sy die lekkerste kosse of koeke kon bak, daai twee kosbare hande van haar kon enige iets maak of doen. Sy het n stout kant ook gehad almal het deurgeloop onder jaar poetse wat sy gebak het. Sy het alzheimers gehad die laaste 5jaar en ek het na haar gekyk en ek mis om vir haar spesiaal iets te maak om te eet, ek mis hom haar aan te trek en haar hare te doen, ek mis om haar gisiggie in my hande te hou en haar net n soentjie te kan gee. Ek mis haar, sy was my alles. Daar was net een soos sy.
Nneheng Alina Sithole
Thank you for all the joy you’ve brought to my life as my mother, You are so full of compassion, love, and strength. I love you for all that you are and for all that you do. Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing mother.

Marthie Fouchè
Ek het spesiaal vir ma n koek bestel vir Moedersdag. Wou dit is spesiale dag maak, want dit is die 1ste keer dat ma naby my is met Moedersdag. Maar op 30 April 2024 om 02h30 kom die oproep deur vanaf die Frail Care “Ouma passed away”. Ek mis ons geselsies in die middae, maar ek gun Ma die rus, en dank Ons Hemelse Vader vir die Beste Moeder ooit. Ek gaan die koek eet met net mooi herinnerings aan Ma. RIV My Liefste Moeder
Thato Mabaso
Happy Mother’s day mom, thank you for being the best mom ever. Thank you for teaching us what unconditional love is. You have always been there for us, through every obstacle we face in life. We know we can always rely on you, and for that we would like to say thank you. Our super hero, thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made for us. Thank you for pushing us to be the best versions of ourselves. We love you mom

Alice De lira
My mom had a golden hart she always helped everbody that was in need although se did not have alot she taught me everything to be a good mother myself i have 6 children one with autism its very hard to raise 6 children but my mom raised me to be strong and to never give up although she is gone and the hurt is never going to go away i will always be thankful for all she taught me she was ons special lady love and miss you mom
Magogodi Moiloa
As feisty as you can be sometimes, you’d always put us first no matter the situation.
You are a loving and caring mom.
Your food will always be the best.
Your sacrifices are well recognized.
And Last but not least, you represent a lot of strong black mother’s out there and we love and appreciate you always
Happy Mother’s Day

Josiah Limakatso
I live by your prayers