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House robbers strike in Rietbok

The woman saw the thugs breaking into her yard, before breaking into her house.

Although house robberies on the far eastern side of Carletonville have been much quieter than in the past, another one happened on Rietbok Street on Friday, 12 April.

A resident (52) was in her home at about 13:00 when she heard her dog bark. She went to investigate and saw an unknown man at her gate. The stranger was of medium build, had a dark complexion and wore a bright orange T-shirt.

Suddenly, the man opened the gate and his accomplice, wearing a balaclava, walked into the yard with a crowbar. As the thug walked towards the back door, the woman screamed for help. The first man then closed the front window to muffle the commotion.

The woman pressed her panic button just before the thug with the crowbar forced the bar- and security doors open. Once in the house, the criminals forced the woman to sit.

One removed her rings and necklace while the other went down the hall. Although he looked in some drawers in the bedroom, he did not remove anything.

The criminals, who spoke Zulu, then grabbed the woman’s laptop from the table before running out and fleeing in a blue vehicle.

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