Corona Chonicles: A guide to sorting your cupboard when you have an emotional bond with your clothing
JOBURG – Community member, Tracy Schloesser shares her social distancing experiences in a very witty series she is calling her Corona Chronicles. In today's post, she shares her struggles to sort her cupboard – which include a battle between the task at hand and the appeal of reading her book by the pool.
– Opinion –
So after having been an inmate for two full days, I decided that today might be the day to tackle the one job we all ‘can like to put off’: Sorting out your clothes cupboards!
It’s one of those jobs that gets put on the back-burner, but always for very good reasons, like it’s wine time or gin time or I-need-to-read-my-book-and-lie-in-the-sun time!
But it needs to be done, so ladies, it’s time to get a black bag and start putting in things like those very large Bridget Jones broeks – you know, the faded pink ones with the stretched elastic – and men, it’s time to bin the air conditioner underpants – you know, the ones with so many holes that all your dangly bits hang right through them!
For me, the struggle is real as I have an emotional bond with so much of my clothing – like the lucky shirt I wore to an interview 14 years ago and got the job or a scarf someone special gave me which I never wear but can’t part with because it reminds me of her. I even have a drum majorette practice T-shirt from my days back in the UPE drummie squad in 1983! I try very hard each time I have a clear-out, but somehow that old T-shirt always climbs right out of the bag and back into the cupboard! (Those old T-shirts can be VERY difficult to control!)
I have always admired those ball-busting executive ladies who say you only need 10 items of good quality mix-and-match classics in your wardrobe at any one time! Noooohhhh! Not me! I need colour and choice and variety and even if some of my clothes are a hundred and ‘eleventy’ seventy years old I still wear them and tell them how much I love them!
I also have a brand new ‘frock’ I bought for the annual Caxton Awards which sadly had to be cancelled because of some impossibly difficult virus, so I might have to give that one a little outing when I brave a quick trip to the shops next week Friday for fruit and veg! (Might even throw on a pair of heels too to go with it but will have to skip the little clutch bag for my more sensible ‘mom’ bag! Heck I might even wear make-up too!)
Good luck with your cupboard-cleaning activities everyone, and if you can’t get hold of me later, there is a very strong chance that the sun and book won as today’s weather is looking suspiciously spectacular! And if I really behave, I might even reward myself and throw in a gin too!
Also read: Corona Chronicles: Witty Joburg resident documents past five days of social distancing