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Cancer survivor remains ‘hope’ful despite odds

Home baker and cancer survivor Jackie Muller shares her story on how she found out she had cancer and why she chooses to support National Cupcake Day on 30 September.

LIFE hasn’t been easy for Escombe resident Jackie Muller who was retrenched in 2020 and then diagnosed with breast cancer a year later.

Despite the accumulating bills, the constant rejections of job application after job application, she remains positive that she will gain employment again and continues to give back wherever she can.

After she was retrenched, Muller turned her passion for baking into a business called Bake for Hope, which has managed to keep her afloat thanks to loyal customers. This month, on September 30, which is National Cupcake Day, she plans on giving back to the Cupcakes of HOPE cause as she knows firsthand how it feels to fight cancer tooth and nail.

“It’s not an easy road to walk as an adult; it must be that much harder for a child. I encourage locals, businesses and organisations to also support National Cupcake Day as the funds will help so many children fighting the disease,” she said.

“I looked for employment but with no success, so I started baking to help with the expenses at home but still apply for jobs regularly. The money from my small business supports my small family,” she said.

Speaking about how she came to know that she had cancer, Muller said she felt a small lump on her breast but ignored it. In 2021, she began to feel and the lump got bigger so she could not ignore it any longer.

“I decided to make an appointment at CANSA where they did a breast exam. I was referred to Reach for Recovery as I was unemployed at the time. They then arranged for me to have a mammogram and ultrasound and said I needed a biopsy urgently. Unfortunately, the mammogram centre wouldn’t do this for free so they emailed a doctor at Albert Luthuli Hospital. A few days later, I was contacted and an appointment was made for a biopsy,” said Muller.

In May 2021, her results were confirmed, and Muller was diagnosed with stage 3 advanced breast cancer. She started chemotherapy in July a few days after her 40th birthday. She was then scheduled for a mastectomy in January 2022 which was delayed as she contracted Covid-19.

“It was tough on me, and I had all the side effects of the chemo, but I still continued with baking to help my family with the household expenses. Then I got Covid, so my mastectomy was delayed by seven weeks. My partner was my biggest support, and I could not have done it without him,” she said.

Even during her recovery and radiation of 15 days, Muller pushed on with her baking business. She is now on hormone blockers for the next ten years and goes for mammograms and an ultrasound every six months.

“I may be going through a rough patch myself, but I still do what I can to help others in need when I can because I know what it feels like. That is why I will be supporting Cupcakes of Hope. If you’d like to also support the initiative but don’t have the time to bake, I would love to bake for you. You’ll be supporting my small family and children with cancer,” she said.

To get in touch with Muller, visit her on Facebook: Jackie Muller.

About Cupcakes of HOPE and National Cupcake Day

Cupcakes of HOPE aims to raise awareness and funds for families in need of medical assistance through a love and passion for baking cupcakes.

Its major fundraiser is National Cupcake Day 4 Kids with Cancer and takes place on September 30 at malls throughout South Africa. The entirely community-driven project asks for bakers, businesses, locals and individuals to bake and sponsor cupcakes at a participating mall near them.
To get involved, email your name, contact details and suburb to bake@cupcakesofhope.org before September 23, and they will then connect you with a participating mall nearby.

Bake your cupcakes with love and take them to your designated mall on September 30.

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