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Final chance to register to vote

The KwaZulu-Natal Office of the Electoral Commission is urging people who are eligible to vote to register or to check their voter registration status this weekend.

THIS weekend, February 3 and 4, is the final chance to register to vote for the 2024 National and Provincial General Election.

The KwaZulu-Natal Office of the Electoral Commission said all 4 974 voting stations throughout the province will be open on both days to assist potential voters to register, re-register or verify their registration status.

The electoral commission said 14 914 staff have been recruited and trained to administer the registration of voters.

To register, you must be a South African Citizen who is 16 years or older and must bring a valid green bar-coded South African ID Document, a smart ID card or a valid temporary ID certificate.

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The online registration platform remains available 24/7 for eligible voters to register, check and update their registration status from the comfort of their home. Online voter registration is available on the commission websites, www.elections.org.za or www.registertovote.elections.org.za, or scan the QR code in the banner below.

Voting stations will be opened from 08:00 and will close at 17:00.

In pursuit of the drive to register first-time voters, the commission has also commenced with the Tertiary Institutions’ voter registration project which was scheduled to coincide with the orientation weeks at these institutions.

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Commenting on the impact persistent floods have had on the province’s physical infrastructure, which has resulted in some roads becoming impassable, some bridges being swept away and some facilities used as voting stations being damaged, the commission said it is working with relevant government departments and municipalities to ensure all voting stations are accessible and usable over the registration weekend.

“Where necessary, the commission will put up temporal infrastructure, like tents and toilets, to ensure voter registration is administered in decent facilities.

“Contingency plans are also in place should the province experience inclement weather conditions on the weekend of February 3–4.”

The provincial electoral officer, Ntomb’futhi Masinga, encouraged all eligible voters in the province to come out in their numbers and use this final registration opportunity to register, re-register or verify their registration status.


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Sanelisiwe Tsinde

My name is Sanelisiwe Tsinde, and I'm a mother of two boys and very family-oriented. Being a community journalist for years, I can proudly say I love writing about positive community news articles and giving a voice to the voiceless. Seeing people getting assistance warms my heart. Every day is a different challenge and a new learning opportunity. I supply news for our trusted publication weekly, and a few years ago, Caxton ventured into online publication, so I contribute daily to the websites. I could say I am a multimedia journalist, and working in a community newspaper is beneficial as we do not focus on one thing but we do a bit of everything.

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