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READERS OPINION: Mayor proposes Ekurhuleni needs a zoo

Following Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina’s suggestion on the possibility of Ekurhuleni metro having its own zoo with the matter still being under consideration, the RECORD asked its readers on their general feeling on the matter.

Following Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina’s suggestion on the possibility of Ekurhuleni metro having its own zoo, with the matter still being under consideration, the RECORD asked its readers what their general feelings are.

This is what they had to say:

Vuyokazi Ndzime:
“Why should we have a zoo in Ekurhuleni while we have so many things to be done with our service delivery? They should take that money to either build sport grounds or libraries.”


















Sonto Bovu
“I don’t see the need to have a zoo while we have a high rate of unemployment. They should use that money to create employment.”



















Phumla Sithole
“I think we need to have a zoo in Ekurhuleni, instead of having to travel far to see animals.”


















Vincent Schmidt
“Instead of focusing on a zoo, they should rather build shelters for the homeless. They should focus on the things that matter.”



















Mayor proposes Ekurhuleni needs a zoo

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