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Former local cop accuses ex-husband of assault in court

Former police offer Nomsa Mudau’s ex-husband denies ever assaulting her during their marriage.

In a riveting courtroom showdown, former police officer Nomsa Mudau appeared in the Kempton Park

Magistrate’s Court on July 12, accusing her ex-husband, Justice, of assault in their marriage.

The case sent shockwaves through the community, as Nomsa, a respected member of the police force for over a decade, was embroiled in an alleged murder-for-profit scheme in February 2018.

Nomsa was charged with convicted serial killer Rosemary Ndlovu for conspiring to kill Nomsa’s ex-husband.

His life was saved when the hitmen hired to kill him told him of his wife’s plan to have him slain for insurance money.

ALSO READ: Rosemary Ndlovu will be back in court in September

Nomsa promised the hitmen payment once she had redeemed a life insurance policy in her husband’s name, but the hitmen went against her plans by telling him of her plan.

Justice claimed he filed a lawsuit against his wife in 2018 following the hitmen’s warning.

When Nomsa and Ndlovu learnt of the accusations against them, they pleaded not guilty to planning to kill Justice.

An unexpected turn occurred during their testimony at the local court when Nomsa accused Justice of assaulting her during their marriage while turning away from the charge of scheming to kill him for insurance money.

During Nomsa’s testimony, her lawyer, Advocate Malotane, made a startling claim, accusing her ex-husband of physically assaulting her, saying it was the motivation for his client’s testimony.

Malotane said Nomsa had opened cases of assault against him over the past years.

ALSO READ:  WATCH: Rosemary Ndlovu “surprised” by conspiracy to commit murder charges

According to Nomsa’s tearful account, she endured years of domestic abuse at the hands of Justice, who she claims became increasingly violent over time.

She described an atmosphere of fear and control that eventually drove her to desperation and poor judgment to secure an escape.

In a dramatic turn of events, Justice took the stand to present his side of the story.

The ex-husband denied all allegations of assault during his testimony.

He painted a different picture of their relationship and said that, during their marriage, they faced challenges like any couple, but he never resorted to violence.

“I want to emphasise that I am not a violent person.”

Justice claimed that during their marriage, Nomsa would threaten to have him arrested and make him feel inferior by using her position of authority in her line of work.

“That accurately depicts the state of our marriage at the time. She was also skilled at using her allies as leverage and a means of power abuse.

“What affected me the most was when she made up instances of assault against me, usually on weekends, to get me arrested for no good reason.

“There were instances where she filed cases of assault against me but later withdrew them.

“I can think of one case where she claimed I assaulted her and fractured her arm.

“When she got to work, she realised she would be caught in her lies and soon be exposed. Later, she withdrew that case.

ALSO READ: Rosemary found guilty on six counts of murder

“It appears her intention behind this was to teach me a lesson for not listening to her. This I learnt at a family meeting.”

Justice further stated that he endured a lot of difficulties in their marriage until he was no longer unable to.

“Each time I gave my mother money, Nomsa became enraged. My wife’s lack of desire for me to care of my mother and family made me understand she lacks compassion. She doesn’t care about people. She wants total self-involvement.

“At this point, I was dealing with so many challenges and fears I had to put in a burglar door in the room where I slept. I would often lock myself inside to avoid her and ensure she would not hurt me.

“Later, when she moved out, I changed all the locks in our marital home. Shortly, I approached her to tell her I filing for divorce. I later took the matter to my attorneys,” said Justice.

ALSO READ: Rosemary found guilty on six counts of murder

The ex-couples narratives clashed bitterly, leaving the courtroom gripped by the emotional testimonies.
As the trial unfolds, many in the community grapple with the case’s complexity.

The trial will continue in the coming days. The prosecution and defence will likely present more evidence and expert testimonies.

As these proceedings progress, the public remains captivated, holding their breath as they await a resolution to this troubling case.

The case was postponed for November 27.

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