Golf day in aid of a worthy cause
Eagles Flight Ministry thanks each and every team who came through to support their golf day.

Two worthy causes will be receiving much-needed funds made possible by the successful Eagles Flight Ministry golf day.
The company hosted 25 four-ball teams at the Krugersdorp Golf Club and raised money for both lupus awareness and Toy Dannhauser, a former Transvaal rugby captain who desperately needs to undergo a hip replacement.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart and lungs.
Eagles Flight Ministry thanks each and every team who came through to support their golf day, and especially would like to thank Meadows and Cargill for their contributions.
looklocal Krugersdorp and Caxton West Rand also showed their support on the day by offering each team some refreshments at the eighth hole.
The looklocal team would like to thank Vincent du Chenne of Westgate’s Food Lovers Market for donating biltong and flavoured water as refreshments for the players.