Jongste sporttelbord in Krugersdorp
Die jongste telbord vir Krugersdorp sluit prestasies in verskeie sportsoorte soos judo, krieket, swem en rugby in wat van einde Mei tot begin Junie behaal is.
Hoërskool Noordheuwel:
Nories se rugbymanne het op Saterdag, 4 Junie in ‘n ligabyeenkoms op eie bodem skoonskip gemaak teen HTS Middelburg. Die skitteruitslae is as volg:
• o.14A: Nories wen 41–13
• o.14B: Nories wen 43–10
• o.14C: Nories wen 50–0
• o.15A: Nories wen 52–0
• o.15B: Nories wen 37–0
• o.16A: Nories wen 66–3
• o.16B: HTS Middelburg kanselleer
• Vierdespan: Nories wen 70–19
• Derdespan: Nories wen 34–0
• Tweedspan: Nories wen 27–20
• Eerstespan: Nories wen 44–7
‘n Week tevore op Saterdag, 28 Mei het hulle teen Menlopark in Pretoria te staan gekom en slegs twee wedstryde verloor.
• o.14A: Menlopark wen 24–5
• o.14B: Nories wen 24–10
• o.15A: Menlopark wen 22–17
• o.15B: Nories wen 17–7
• o.16A: Nories wen 14–5
• o.16B: Nories wen 15–12
• Derdespan: Nories wen 53–0
• Tweedspan: Nories wen 12–7
• Eerstespan: Nories wen 33–23
Hoërskool Monument High:
Drie Monnas-fietsryers het ‘n plek in die Top 10 behaal tydens die Gauteng Skole MTB op 28 Mei.
• Danielle Hoffman eindig 7de
• Ryno Beekman eindig 7de
• Rynhardt Redelinghuys eindig 8ste
• Hoërskool Monument High o.14A 0–1 Noordheuwel
• Hoërskool Monument High o.16A 2–1 Noordheuwel
• Hoërskool Monument High first team 5–3 Noordheuwel
Saturday, May 28:
• Hoërskool Monument High o.16A 1–1 Transvalia
• Hoërskool Monument High first team 6–0 Transvalia
• Hoërskool Monument High o.14B 1–0 Rustenburg
• Hoërskool Monument High o.14A 4–0 Rustenburg
• Hoërskool Monument High o.15A 4–0 Rustenburg
• Hoërskool Monument High o.16A 1–0 Rustenburg
• Hoërskool Monument High second team 1–1 Rustenburg
• Hoërskool Monument High first team 1–0 Rustenburg
Krugersdorp High School (KHS):
Learner Vaughn Bronn competed in the Arnold Classic during the first weekend of June and placed first in his division.
Alumnus Darian Pretorius participated in the African Baseball Qualifiers in Tanzania recently. The Top 2 teams will go to Mexico for the Baseball 5, which is Action Baseball. The South African team was undefeated.
Darian and his team were congratulated on the school’s official Facebook page.
Curro Krugersdorp:
Curro Krugersdorp’s U/19 team won the biggest prize on offer in sevens for schools by being crowned champs of this year’s Warriors League. They beat Curro Aurora 17–12 after leading at half time 12–5. Read a more in-depth article on Saturday@ noon. Full results of the U/19 Curro side at the tournament:
• Curro Krugersdorp 36–0 Curro Aurora B
• Curro Krugersdorp 40–0 Redhill
• Curro Krugersdorp 35–5 Crawford Ruimsig (Quarter-finals)
• Curro Krugersdorp 19–12 Trinityhouse Little Falls (Semi-finals)
• Curro Krugersdorp 17–12 Curro Aurora A (Finals)
The All Stars U/12 team of which Primary School learners Tristan Mecuur and Liam Greyvenstein were members won the Bank All Stars LPL cricket tournament recently.
During a recent swimming club award ceremony, Nico Arangies won two trophies for the 2021/2022 season. His accolades include:
• Junior swimmer of the year
• Most improved male swimmer
• Certificate of Outstanding Achievement – Provincial Representation
• Certificate of Outstanding Achievement – Regional and National Participation
The Crusaders Swimming Club of which Nico is a member also won the Central Gauteng Championship and is currently one of the top three clubs in the country.
Primary School learner Michael Kanis recently achieved third place in the Sproggs category during the SA Cycling XCO Cup Series #4 at Thaba Trails. What makes the result remarkable is that he arrived late at the starting point and had to start at the very back. Michael passed more than 30 cyclists in the first lap and was close to the front group at the beginning of the second lap. With a lot of perseverance, he moved up and finished third after the fourth round. In the past month he has won medals at SA level in Enduro and XCO .
Laerskool Kenmare:
Talle Kennies-leerders het op Saterdag, 28 Mei aan die Gauteng Ope Judotoernooi deelgeneem. Hul uitslae in hul onderskeie ouderdoms- en gewigsgroepe is soos volg:
• Eerste plek en gouemedalje:
Hanco Breet
Rynard Hall
• Tweede plek en silwermedalje:
Armand Coetzee
Nico Sheppard
• Derde plek en bronsmedalje:
Liam Page
Johvan Taljaardt
• Vierde plek:
Janu Dubber
Twee Kennies het onlangs in gimnastiek uitgeblink. Karli Dorfling het op 28 Mei aan die Wes-Rand Streekkampioenskappe deelgeneem en vir Wes-Rand-kleure in Akro Sport gekwalifiseer, terwyl Caitlyn Knighton ‘n silwermedalje by die Central Gauteng Gymnastics Federation se Rhythmic-kompetisie verwerf het. Sy kwalifiseer ook vir haar Gauteng Juniorkleure in Rhythmic.
Drie Kennies-rugbyspanne het tot die Goue Leeus halfeindrondte deurgedring. Die o.10A’s het 14–0 teen President Steyn verloor maar die o.11A-span en eerstespan (bekend as die Swartmasjien) was aan die wenkant onderskeidelik teen Helderkruin (33–8) en Randhart (29–15). Albei laasgenoemdes het gevolglik tot die eindstryd deurgedring, maar die tyd, plek en datum is nog nie bevestig nie.
Buco Khosa Rugby Club:
It was a tough day at the office for Buco Honeydew Khosa Rugby as three of the local boys’ teams were beaten by Germiston Simmer in the Senior Grand Challenge semi-final on June 4. Only Khosa’s third team qualified to play in the final on June 11.
Results are as follows:
• Second team: Buco Honeydew Khosa Rugby Club 15–28 Germiston Simmer
• U/20: Buco Honeydew Khosa Rugby Club 7–26 Germiston Simmer
• First team: Buco Honeydew Khosa Rugby Club 29–43 Germiston Simmer
Stuur gerus jul sportuitslae na sodat dit op die News se sporttelbord geplaas kan word.