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Comrades Marathon: Krugersdorp is ready

The Comrades Marathon will be held on June 11 and many Krugersdorp runners will be taking on the challenge.

Millions from around the world will soon be switching on their televisions and radios to witness the brave men and women take on the Comrades Marathon, also known as the Ultimate Human Race.

Among the 20 000 runners in the starting lineup are residents from across Mogale City. Some will partake in their first race while others hope to set new personal best times or reach fitness goals.

Lucky Moloi and Uaatjo Tjajtjitua from Krugersdorp Road Runners can’t wait to take part in this year’s Comrades Marathon.
Dewalt Drotsky, Deon van der Merwe and Bennie Doman in action.

The Comrades is the largest and oldest in the world. The 96th edition will take place on June 11 and the distance will be 87.701km.

Khosa Sports Club confirmed that 18 runners will be taking part in this year’s marathon and have been preparing since January. Not only are they ready to push themselves to the limit, but do they hope to bring home a few medals as well.

The club has a rich history of many men and women who have run the race with many kilometres under their belt. However, for one man in particular, a few kilometres is quite an understatement.

Kevin Duddy (75) considered the ‘Comrades Master’ with 32 marathons behind his name has played an important role in preparing especially novices for this year’s race. Despite doing his last Comrades in 2017, Kevin still runs and does he give back to the sport by sharing his knowledge and experience with whoever dreams of taking on the Ultimate Human Race.

He is not only a mentor for everyone, but a great friend,” said James Carle, a member of the club who has known Kevin for seven years.

James, who will be doing his fifth Comrades, said he too is excited.

“It’s always a very emotional and challenging journey, but that’s why we love it, it’s what it’s all about.”

On May 27, they held a function for the team, where they were given a proper send-off with stories of old races and a small gift bag as good luck token. The club will also welcome everyone back from the Comrades at their ‘aches and pains’ function where all the war stories of the day will be told.

Edward Siribane from Khosa during training.
Ronel Kyter and Ruben Coetsee, two runners from Krugersdorp Road Runners.

Krugersdorp Road Runners is another club that hopes to represent Krugersdorp proudly. They started preparations for the Comrades towards the end of 2022 with most of the serious training starting in January.

According to the club’s licensing officer, Shujit Ranchhojee, they will have 34 members participating in the Comrades.

We have four novices heading to the race, they are Fanie Combrinck, Karli Pretorius, Lucky Moloi and Uaatjo Tjatjitua,” said Shujit.

The Krugersdorp News wishes every runner the very best at this year’s Comrades.

*Article has been updated — Ed.

Nico Knop, Warren Mckenzie, Jeremy Tibbles, Edward Siribane, Melanie Atkinson, James Carle and Jacqueline Drotsky are ready as can be.

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