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Feeding scheme brightens lives

Boet Pretorius Electrical (BPE) organised yet another feeding scheme on August 21. They are now approaching schools within the Nkowankowa area

‘EVERY sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day,’ said Richelle E. Goodrich,

Boet Pretorius Electrical (BPE) organised yet another feeding scheme on August 21. They are now approaching schools within the Nkowankowa area. These school have a large amount of students, however, they are only able to support 200 at this stage. They therefore communicate with the principal and deputy principal, whereby they identify 200 needy children within the schools and assist them.

Their aim is to feed 200 people on a quarterly basis with their support from donators.

“In the future we would like to organised this on a monthly basis, as we are growing each time and our support from the community is growing too”. Each quarter they will do a different school, thus way ensuring they are able to help all schools within this area. The first school they visited was Charles Mathonsi Secondary School. They were warmly welcomed on the day by the students and some parents and grandparents.

The excitment could not be contuined was very high and the recipients were thankful.

‘We were able to make up hamper parcels for each recipients consisting of the following: 2.5kg mieliemeel, 3 x cans sheba, 1litre Mague, (joint sponsorships BPE, Premjees, Zambli Polokwane and Miami Canners), sweets from Premjees, oranges from Deona Export, atchar from Morokolotsi atchar, Boet Pretorius Electrical also purchased products such as potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, bags for the hampers, etc. as part of the parcel.

This parcel will ensure that a family has food for everyday of a week at least. The scholars take the parcel home and in this way the whole family will be able to enjoy a meal.

Every bit counts especially in taking off the pressure of putting food on the table in today’s world.’ they said. We would also like to thank Spur again for helping us with a lunch box for each helper on the day. The helpers that went along to hand the parcels out and in help making up of the parcels.

‘We were fortunate to have one of our sponsors, Premjee, joining us on this day and taking part of the event. We invite all our sponsors to come along and see what we do and what they are doing for the less fortunate.

‘We hope this project to grow from strength to strength and we would like to have the support of the community as well.’

If any person and/or business would like to participate contact Elsabe on 015 307 3571.

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