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Call for roads to be repaired in Maruleng

Potholes and the poor condition of roads to Hoedspruit town are putting a damper on economic activity.

Despite some work carried out on the R530, R527, and D21 roads, residents say these roads have not been fully repaired. The roads are important for daily commuters to and from town, tourists visiting the game reserves, farmers transporting produce, and the large haulage trucks moving goods to and from the mines. The DA called on MEC for Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure, Nkakareng Rakgaole, to urgently address the problem.

“The R530 and R527 have been poorly maintained and are riddled with large potholes that have the potential to cause serious accidents, especially during rainy weather when visibility is low. “These roads are further damaged by the additional pressure caused by large haulage trucks from the mines due to the collapsed railway infrastructure in the area,” said Marie Helm, Limpopo DA deputy leader. She said the D21 road that goes through to Sekororo and Trichardtsdal is by far one of the worst roads in the Maruleng municipal area.

Also read: R530 road not repaired despite promises

“Road shoulders are nonexistent and the tar at the edges of the road is breaking up. This road is an important connection between the Oaks, Sekororo, and Trichardtsdal, and serves all the villages in between,” she said. She also referred to the Eastgate Airport road that had gone unmaintained for years despite its great economic significance in the area. She said pressure from the community and the DA representative in the provincial legislature, Risham Maharaj, led to it being rebuilt and is now in good condition.

“We have previously written to Rakgoale about the poor state of these major roads in Hoedspruit and the threat they pose to road users. “Rakgaole must ensure that these roads are included in ‘Operation Thiba Mekoti Ditseleng’.” Herald contacted the Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure spokesperson, Witness Tiva, about the progress on the roads. “We render services according to our planning and not because of the DA. “The department and our entity RAL, have already completed the rehabilitation of the D1909 which was handed over.

Also read: ‘R530 road is a serious risk to motorists’

The farmers from that area have accepted the work that was done on that road. “The same thing happened on the D21 road which links the R36 with communities in the Ga-Sekororo area,” he said. “In November we handed over the 3km stretch of the road which has been rehabilitated, in addition to that, the contractor who did the 3km is continuing with the rehabilitation of another 3km. “We also have workers patching the potholes. We are continuing with our plans to make sure that all the roads are drivable,” Tiva concluded.

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Anwen Mojela

Anwen Mojela is a journalist at the Letaba Herald. She graduated with an Advanced Diploma in Journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology. Including an internship and freelancing, Anwen has four years’ experience in the field and has been a permanent name in the Herald for nearly three years. Anwen’s career highlights include a water corruption investigative story when she was an intern and delving into wildlife and nature conservation. “I became a journalist mainly to be the voice of the voiceless, especially working for a community newspaper. Helping with the bit that I can, makes choosing journalism worth it.

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