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Damme loop oor na goeie reën

Swaar reën bring verligting na Hoedspruit met damme wat oorloop en riviervlakke wat gestyg het, nadat meer as 150mm reën in sommige gebiede aangeteken is.

LIMPOPO – Die Hoedspruit-omgewing het die afgelope week goeie reën ontvang met verskeie damme wat oorloop en riviere wat afkom.

Die lugfoto’s is geneem deur plaaslike gyrocoptervlieënier, Tom van der Meulen. Van der Meulen het teen druktyd Maandag gesê hy het sedert die begin van die seisoen reeds 383mm by sy huis op Kampersrus gemeet, maar sê reënval is wisselvallig in die gebied. By die Klaseriedam is daar verlede week meer as 150mm gemeet en die dam het Sondagaand begin oorloop.

die Blyderivierpoortdam op Sondag, 12 Januarie naby aan oorloop

Maandag het Johann du Preez op die Limpopo Reënval WhatsApp-groep gesê Hoedspruit se dorp het in die laaste 24 uur 50mm gehad, maar dat neerslae tussen 18mm en 110mm wissel.

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Tanaiya Lees

Tanaiya Lees is the Digital Coordinator for the Polokwane Review-Observer. She holds a Diploma in Journalism and is passionate about sharing authentic stories and making a positive impact through those stories. Although her journey in journalism was unexpected, she found herself drawn to it from the very beginning. Despite an initial career in Digital Marketing and Communications, she has recently reignited her passion for journalism and is excited to be back in the field she loves. With an interest in storytelling and a strong commitment to accuracy, her goal is to produce high-quality content that truly connects with readers. She aims to amplify the voices of those who need it most, shine a light on important issues, and inspire meaningful conversations. Tanaiya firmly believes in the power of journalism to effect change and is dedicated to being a part of that.

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