
Sex in exchange for school uniform

A father was sent to two life sentences after he was found guilty on two charges of rape on his then 14 year old daughter.

The man, from Mountainview, cannot be named in order to protect the identity of the victim.

He pleaded guilty on two charges of rape in January 2014 after the state refused to let him plead guilty on a lesser charge. In his statement he admitted to forcing himself on his daughter twice during the said month.

During the victim impact report, the complainant in the matter said that she did not know her father until two years ago. She went to stay with her paternal family after accidentally meeting them through a friend.

She could not complete her Grade 8 year because she could not write her final exams because her maternal grandfather refused to give her her school uniform, saying that her paternal family must buy it because she chose to live with them. She then repeated Grade 8 the following year.

The victim stated that she had a good relationship with her father until she asked him to buy her a cellphone. After he gave her the cellphone he demanded that she reward him with sex. When she refused, he forced himself on her.

The second incident he was found guilty of, happened when she asked him to buy her a school uniform. He once again forced himself on her after hiding the uniform in his room and ambushing her when she came to get it.

In April 2014, the girl returned to her mother’s house. Her mother immediately sensed that something was wrong and took her daughter for a medical examination. The doctor had shocking news.

The girl was pregnant with her father’s baby. The baby died shortly after its birth in December 2014.

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