
Girl (17) arrested ‘for killing boyfriend’

A Grade 10 learner from Lydenburg has been charged with murder after the death of her 21-year-old boyfriend.

According to Sergeant Gerald Sedibe of the provincial police, local authorities were contacted by the Lydenburg Hospital on Saturday 15 October to report an “unnatural death”.

It was said that the man died when he fell out of a tree and onto a sharp object, fatally wounding him under his left arm. An inquest docket was opened.

On Sunday 16 October, the family of the deceased, accompanied by police, visited a house in Lydenburg where the incident allegedly happened.

They requested to see the tree from where the man fell as well as the sharp object he landed on. No sharp object could be found. It came to light that the deceased and his girlfriend (17) were involved in a fight which somehow led to him being stabbed.

The girl was arrested and left in the care of her parents. She is due to appear in the Lydenburg Magistrate’s Court today (Tuesday).

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