
Armed robber shot at e’Mhluzi Mall

An armed robber who attempted a cash in transit heist at e'Mhluzi Mall last Monday was shot in the leg whilst trying to escape with a bag of money.

The incident occurred just after 15:30 when a G4S Cash Van has just made a pick-up from the Cashbuild.

According to reports from eyewitnesses, the suspect threatened a security guard with a firearm and grabbed a bag of cash as well as the security guards firearm.

He then fled towards the parking area and escaped through a pedestrian crossing and across the street from e’Mhluzi Mall.

The security guard grabbed another firearm from inside the vehicle and gave chase.

“The suspects tried to shoot at the security guard but it looked as if the gun jammed,” said the eyewitness.

The security guard returned fire and shot the suspect in the leg. He immediately fell to the ground and the bag of money dropped from his hands.

A man who attempted to steal a bag of money was shot in the leg last Monday at e’Mhluzi Mall

All monies were recovered and minutes later police arrived on the scene.

Hundreds of onlookers gathered around the injured suspect as he clutched his leg and screamed in pain whilst waiting for paramedics to arrive.

He was then rushed to hospital and remains under police guards while he recovers.

He has been identified as Thulane Makhubela and he appeared in abstentia before the Middelburg Magistrates Court last week.

The case was postponed to a later date and he remains in police custody.

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