
“Annica van Staden stole my money!”

The list of complainants, alleging that estate agent Annica van Staden stole their money, keeps on growing received two complaints, one from an eMalahleni resident and another from a teacher residing in Mamelodi, claiming that they thought they were buying houses from Van Staden but lost thousands of rands instead.

• William Sodi said that he bought a house from Van Staden through Housing First Properties in 2016. He paid R250 000. After realising that something was amiss, he hired a lawyer who managed to trace Van Staden and freeze her bank account.

Also read: The tricky problem with repossessed houses

Van Staden then agreed to sign an acknowledgement of guilt in November 2017, promising to repay the full amount owed to Mr Sodi by January 2018.
Mr Sodi claims that she has since disappeared and failed to hold up her end of the bargain.

“As I was looking for her, I came across seven other people with the same story. We are now a group looking for that woman.”

• Legion Mabena said that he bought a house from Van Staden for R190 000 in Tasbet Park, eMalahleni. After he transferred the money, he was supposed to sign final documents to take ownership of his new house.

Also read: Houses sold for R1

“I worked with Helga Kruger. We met at Spur in the Highveld Mall. When I phoned her to ask about my house, she told me that she was no longer working for Annica. Annica promised I would get my house when I called her. After a while, she stopped taking my calls,” Mr Mabena said.

• Kruger told that she never received the money for houses in her own account and was only paid by Van Staden for the work she had done. She has since cut ties with Van Staden and moved out of Middelburg.

• Since disappearing from her rented home in Presidentsrus near Middelburg, the whereabouts of Van Staden is not known. She is rumoured to have moved to Mossel Bay. A woman sounding like Van Staden answered her last known phone number but said that her name was Samantha and claimed that she has had the number for a very long time. She said that she does not know someone named Annica.


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