
Middelburg weekly weather forecast

This week's weather forecast.

Monday (today):
Minimum 8, maximum 24.
Sunny with wind of 16 km/p/h.
Minimum 8, maximum 23.
Sunny with wind of 21 km/p/h.
Minimum 9, maximum 25.
Sunny with wind of 27 km/p/h.
Minimum 8, maximum 26.
Sunny with wind of 21 km/p/h.
Minimum 9, maximum 22.
Sunny with a 10% chance of rain and wind of 29 km/p/h.
Minimum 8, maximum 23.
Partly cloudy with a 10% chance of rain and wind of 27 km/p/h.
Minimum 4, maximum 20,
Sunny with wind of 21 km/p/h.


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