
Unclaimed body’s next of kin come forward

Mr Len Hoffman can now have the dignified burial he deserves after his family members were tracked down.

The elderly gentlemen who passed away in the Middelburg Provincial Hospital, was at the time known to us as Mr Lynn Hoffman.
He reportedly frequented the streets of Middelburg until a few community members opened up their hearts towards him.

The owners of La Riekie Catering invited Mr Hoffman to sit at their Deli and gave him food, when they saw him on the streets.

His cellphone and I.D was in their possession at the time and once they became aware of his passing, they searched for a relative on his phone.
Family members who reside in eMalahleni were contacted and informed of his death.

Also read: NOT FOR SENSITIVE VIEWERS: Help find this man’s next of kin

After published an article about his fatality, a family member responded on Facebook, stating that he was not alone and had memory loss after sustaining a blow to his head.

Mr Hans Duvenage from Duvenage’s Drycleaning had provided accomodation for Mr Hoffman after noticing that he was unwell on the streets.

Len had only slept in the room for three days until they noticed that things were quiet. When they went to check up on him, they found him unresponsive and lying on the floor. This was when an ambulance was contacted and Mr Hoffman was admitted into hospital.

Mr Hoffman’s next of kin have reportedly come to Middelburg to identify him. tried to contact them but they could not be reached for comment.





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Sjani Campher

Sjani has been working as a community journalist and photographer at the Middelburg Observer since 2018, during which she has been responsible for the content creation for both digital and print, as well as maintaining the publication's online platforms. She is a member of the Forum for Community Journalists, and focuses on fields including hard news, investigative reporting, human interest, columns and sports.
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