
Covid spike – Doctors make a plea to public

The healthcare workers at Life Midmed Hospital are preparing for a depressing December after a very sudden spike in critical infections was observed this week.

Hospital Manager, Mr Hennie Viljoen, told the Middelburg Observer that on Wednesday alone they had to admit seven patients into their Covid-19 unit with life-threatening symptoms.

He warned that the medical field has observed a definite spike in Covid-19 cases for Middelburg.

“There is a drastic increase in infections and patients are showing symptoms more severe than the last wave we experienced. This does not paint a pretty picture for us and we appeal to the public to take every precautionary measure.”

Mr Viljoen warned the public about not becoming lax, saying that the community needs to adopt the mentality of staying at home, sanitising, sterilising surfaces and groceries and protecting themselves.

“While we appreciate that it has been a difficult year for everyone, our doctors and nurses have had a very turbulent year and need a break. Many of them planned for a relaxing holiday and are now cancelling plans as we expect another wave. This could have been prevented through basic compliance.” Mr Viljoen added.

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