
Strike ends – Level 5 salaries for municipal employees

The sinful destruction of the town, the complete breakdown of trust between the community and municipality, most notably its workers, and the unbridled violence resulting in the death of Tshepo Maseko, has concluded with the signing of a five page agreement.

It has been agreed that municipal employees will be implemented on a grade 5 salary scale, with backpay owed from July 1 this year.
Suspension against 17 employees have been withdrawn, while the charges against them will stand.

In cases where evidence exists against any charged employee, normal disciplinary procedures will be followed.

The news comes on the back of early morning prayers, and cleansing of municipal buildings today.
While some employees did attend this morning’s proceedings, the majority were not in attendance. attended the proceedings where workers indicated that they would be back on duty in full force on Monday.

According to the agreement, municipal employees were dissatisfied with the benchmarking, and consequent salary increases, agreed to in November last year.

Employees, who insisted Nkomazi Municipality be used for for the benchmarking, were unhappy with the outcome, but received backpay, with senior managers forfeiting their share.

The municipality will also migrate from the Van der Merwe task grade system, to the TASK system in regards to job evaluation protocol.
An internal job evaluation manager will also be appointed.

Job evaluations will be fast tracked, and according to the agreement, a deadline for December 15 for job evaluations has been set.
Parties further agreed not to “victimize” workers who participated in the strike.


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