
Policeman shot, bombing suspect killed in shootout

A policeman from Middelburg was wounded, and a suspect was shot dead in the crossfire between the police and suspects this morning in the Malayinini section of Dennilton.

In a joint operation between the Mpumalanga Provincial Task Team, Mpumalanga Tracking Team, Mpumalanga Tactical Response Team and Middelburg Flying Squad, the men in blue were tracing suspects at Emalayinini, Dennilton.

The shooting took place at around 01:30 this morning.

The all-points-bulletin was issued in connection with a series of drop-safe bombings at several garages in the area.

The suspects were traced to the Dennilton area, with members of the Middelburg Flying Squad joining the search.

The minute the police arrived, the suspects opened fire on them.

A senior member of the Middelburg Flying Squad was wounded, with the bullet hitting a finger on his right hand.

Police members retaliated, and one of the suspects was shot. He succumbed to his injuries on the scene.

During the crossfire, the nephew of the suspect tried to pull his family member away and also got shot.

The wounded suspect was taken to the Philadelphia Hospital, where he is being treated and reportedly in stable condition.

• The policeman who was shot in the finger was taken to a private hospital where he is being treated for fractures.

• For the safety of the police officer involved, we will not identify the hospital where he is being treated.

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