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Help a Girl Out pad drive makes a difference in Gauteng Curro DigiEd schools

Help a Girl Out Pad Drive expand to all Gauteng Curro DigEd schools.

Saud Gaffoor is a remarkable young man currently in Grade 12 at Curro New Road and he is making a huge impact in the world.

Saud has always had a heart of gold and his passion for giving back has been a defining trait throughout his life.

Read more: Pads donated to schools

He is the genius behind the Help a Girl Out Pad Drive, an initiative that started at New Road and has since expanded to all Gauteng Curro DigiEd schools.

The initiative is aimed at providing sanitary pads to girls who need them but cannot afford them.

When asked about his motivation for starting this drive, Saud said that he had witnessed many girls struggle with periods and getting access to sanitary pads.

As a result, he wanted to bring attention to the fact that menstruation is a natural process and that no girl should feel ashamed or embarrassed about it.

Also read: Palesa Pads drive arrives at Midrand High

Saud emphasised the importance of addressing the gap in access to sanitary pads. “Even though our school supports girls with sanitary pads, many less privileged schools lack this provision. This initiative aims to bridge that gap, ensuring that all girls can manage their periods seamlessly,” said Saud.

Reflecting on the significance of this initiative, Saud attributed his commitment to the culture of giving back instilled in him by his parents from a young age.

He fondly remembers their charitable endeavours in different places across the Western Cape and expressed his love for such initiatives. He also hopes to continue these efforts and pass on the value to his future children.

The Pad Drive initiative remains ongoing within the Gauteng Digi-ed schools, with a focus on establishing partnerships with locations in need.

The overarching goal is to truly make a difference by ensuring that no girl misses school due to their period and the inability to afford sanitary pads.

Saud’s dedication and commitment to this cause are truly inspiring, and it is heartwarming to see a young person making such a positive impact on the world.

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