Cubs enjoy Amazing Race getaway
SANDTON - Cub scouts from the Sandton District held an Amazing Race camp over the June long weekend at the Groenkloof Nature Reserve near Pretoria.

Sixty-five boys and girls from the 1st Bryanston, 1st Lonehill (Peter Place), 1st Morningside, 1st Parkmore and the 1st River Trail groups participated.The cubs were divided into six teams, which competed against each other in a number of activities over the three days.
Teams had to begin by making individual passports, which were stamped at each of the “countries” they visited.
Activities included air rifle shooting, basic chemistry, arts and crafts, the ‘tomb raider’ maze, blow darts, starting a fire using a battery, and a number of other challenges to test their problem-solving skills. The ‘leaky calabash’ was one such activity, where Cubs had to fill a container which had a number of holes drilled into it with water. If you didn’t work together as a team then you got drenched with water as the container filled. They also learnt how to make conservation stoves out of old coffee tins and had to cook their own dinner of spaghetti and meatballs.
There were also plenty of fun games to ensure that everyone was kept busy. One of the highlights was the evening night hike in the nature reserve, during which one of the groups came across a herd of zebra.
At the end of the weekend, one of the cubs from the 1st Bryanston pack, Jonathan Pienaar, was presented with his Leaping Wolf Badge. This is the highest award that a cub can earn and is the equivalent to the Springbok Scout Award.
Details: or 011-440-6490.