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Something to help you exercise in winter

MIDRAND – These tips might help you to stick to your exercise routine this winter – compliments of TotsGames Gymnastics.

It is tempting to stop exercising in winter, but you shouldn’t.

So says Nelson Midzi, owner of TotsGames Gymnastics in Midrand.

He explained that our bodies are designed to do physical activities and the less we exercise, the more we are jeopardising our health. “It never ceases to amaze me that, in this fibre optic age, some of us still treat health and fitness as if you can pick and choose. It’s not an option but a vital part of our lifestyle.

“Every little effort you make counts as far as your health is concerned, keep in mind the mental and physical benefits that come out of regular training,” he said.

He adds that the rate at which we achieve our body transformation targets differ from one body type to another, so we should make exercise about staying healthy rather than trying to look a certain way.

Also read: Do you know your body type?

“Daily workout routines go a long way in preventing cardiovascular diseases. They improve blood circulation and the respiratory system and boost brain power. They lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels which is your bad cholesterol, and raise your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, which is your good cholesterol.

“Your muscles and bones are strengthened and you also feel good about yourself.”

He said the earlier you choose to make training a habit, the better. “Spice it up by changing your routine often and seek help from the trainers at your gym or dieticians.”

These five points might help too:

  • Every little bit helps. Rome was not built in a day, so don’t rush or be obsessed with quick results
  • Health and fitness is a lifestyle and not a pastime, create a schedule and follow it consistently
  • Change your training routines so your body does not get accustomed to the same routine
  • Remeber, no pain no gain
  • Always try to have fun and enjoy your workouts.

Do you have helpful fitness advice for the community? Let us know by sending us a message on Facebook.

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