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Scientology founder honoured with over 1000 awards on his 113th birthday anniversary

Over 1500 people converge at Castle Kyalami for Hubbard's 113 birthday anniversary.

Recently, over 1 500 officials, celebrities, religious and community leaders, corporate giants, journalists, scientologists and many others all gathered at the Church of Scientology, popularly known as Castle Kyalami, to celebrate the Birthday of Lafayette Ronald Hubbard.

The event on March 23 was an extraordinary celebration that was marked with thousands of awards, proclamations and presentations, showcasing the humanitarian works of Hubbard such as the Drug-Free World Foundation, The Way to Happiness Foundation, Study Technology and the Volunteer Ministers, to name a few.

For the last half-century, Hubbard’s Study Technology has brought literacy to more than 64m students who now have hope for the future.

His drug rehabilitation technology has saved countless lives through a network of centres, double that of any other major rehab treatment centre worldwide.

Residents converge at Castle Kyalami to celebrate Lafayette Ronald Hubbards 113 birthday anniversary.
Residents converge at Castle Kyalami to celebrate Lafayette Ronald Hubbards 113 birthday anniversary.

Finally, his technology for kindness and morality in the 21 precepts of The Way to Happiness, his common-sense guide for living, is now available in 118 major languages.

Hubbards 113th birthday anniversary celebration attracted numerous scholars, cultural institutions, religious leaders, government officials, and even federal legislatures who have expressed their gratitude and appreciation for Hubbard’s works and the countless lives he has touched and uplifted worldwide.

According to a spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, Sandile Hlayisi, “Hubbard’s contributions to humanity are immeasurable, and it is an honour for us to continue his legacy of humanitarianism and friendship.”

All told Hubbard’s works on dianetics and scientology comprise the largest cohesive statement on the human mind and spirit, with more than 5 000 writings and 3 000 recorded lectures. Scientology accomplishes the goal of every great religion: Freeing the soul by wisdom.

Related article: Over 1000 devotees converge at Castle Kyalami to commemorate the founder of Scientologys birthday

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