There are one too many Bobs in society.
Bobs are people who sit back and hope for the best, people who let life carry them by the ears in whatever direction it pleases. People who have no plans, no goals, no ambition and people who outsource responsibility to others for the outcomes of their lives.
If this is you, my message to you is simple – somewhere out in the bush is a tree working very hard to produce oxygen so you can stay alive and you need to apologise to that tree.
One thing I learnt very early in my life is the power of setting goals. At the end of every year, I have made it a habit to look back at the last 12 months, consider and celebrate the progress I have made and plan for the year ahead. In deliberately and consistently doing this, I have found that making progress on an annual basis has virtually become habitual. So much so that I do not remember when last I lived the same year twice over. Progress is a result of daily deliberate actions decided by you.
Setting goals provides a path for your life to follow, gives you a sense of direction and allows you to focus your time, energy and resources towards these goals. Failure to set goals, on the other hand, simply guarantees that your time, energy and resources will be directed at whatever things life throws at you when it decides to. The result is that you’re always on the receiving end; you’re always busy, always tired and you’re consistently struggling. With no goals, you become a lifetime member of ‘Club Bob’.
Like Bob, too many of us go around wasting one of the very few things that is freely given to us yet money can’t buy – time. Today, I challenge you to make a decision to change your life. Set some clear goals, decide on timelines for them, be clear about why you want to achieve these goals and aggressively pursue them. The quality of your life depends on it.
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Tell us the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page how goal setting has made a difference in your career