Trail-blazing woman
Read more on this extraordinary woman who chose a career in a male dominated environment.
NELSPRUIT – “From the moment I saw a fire engine for the first time, I knew I wanted to be a firefighter”. These are the words of Penelope Repinga (27), who is one of the extraordinary women of the Lowveld who puts her life at risk to help save others.
What makes Penelope extraordinary is the fact that she is a firefighter in a mostly male- dominated environment and has a one-year- old daughter. She says, however, she prefers working with men as she feels they treat her better. “I was about 14 when I told my mother about my career choice. She told me I couldn’t as it was a man’s job.”
According to Penelope, her boyfriend is not intimidated at all by her career. “He is very understanding, especially with the hours of work.
“This job has changed me, I look at life differently as a woman. I take things more seriously and it has made me stronger.”
She said the highlight in her job is for example when they get a call-out to an accident and on the way to the scene, she is not sure what they are going to find. “When we get there, our teamwork and training kick in and we do it no matter what the situation, we are here to save lives.”
Penelope said when she had finished school, she did a BAA (Basic Ambulance Assistance course) in Pretoria which led her to doing an FF1( Firefighting 1) Hazmat Awareness course at Brixton Fire Station.
“Then in 2008, I submitted my CV for a job in Mbombela, which I got. They then sent me to Potchefstroom for further training.”
Penelope concluded that she loved her job as it was never boring. “You never know what you are going to encounter on the day.”