Fill your tank: Fuel prices increase at midnight

The price of all grades of fuel, illuminating paraffin and gas will cost more.

Motorists will be lining up at pump stations tonight ahead of the fuel price hike at midnight.

Both grades of petrol will increase by 75c per litre, while diesel (0.05% sulphur) will rise by 73c per litre and diesel (0.005% sulphur) by 70c per litre.

Illuminating paraffin will be hiked by 53c per litre; while LP gas will increase by 37c per kg.

The latest adjustments follow last month’s decreases of 62c and 76c per litre for 93 and 95 unleaded petrol respectively.

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy highlighted various factors affecting this month’s increases, saying the average international product prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin increased in line with the higher crude oil prices.

“LP gas prices increased due to higher freight cost. These factors led to higher contributions to the Basic Fuel Prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin by 68.05c per litre, 66.02c per litre and 46.17c per litre respectively.

“The rand depreciated slightly on average against the US dollar, from R18.66 to R18.77, during the period under review when compared with the previous one.

“This led to higher contributions to the Basic Fuel Prices of petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin by 6.86c per litre, 7.41c per litre and 7.54c per litre respectively,” said the department.

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