Hostage situation at Mpumalanga fuel station: Petrol attendant forced to fill up getaway vehicle

Robbers instructed a petrol attendant in KwaGuqa to fill up their vehicle before they fled the scene with several items and cash.

Police in Mpumalanga are investigating a case of business robbery following an incident that took place at a fuel station in KwaGuqa Ext 10 (a township situated west of eMalahleni).

The incident occurred in the early hours of yesterday morning, and according to the police report, a group of armed people stormed the fuel station.

The robbers are believed to have held the customers and employees at gunpoint. One of the attendants at the petrol station was reportedly told to go outside with some of the robbers and fill up a customer’s bakkie with fuel, allegedly not to raise suspicion that a robbery was in progress.

He was then apparently led by the robbers to join the customers and employees who were being held elsewhere.

In an apparent attempt to obtain cash from the drop safe, the suspects broke into the shop, set off some explosives, and took several items and an undisclosed amount of cash.

The robbers then instructed the attendant to fill up their bakkie too, before they fled in it. Police say they covered their faces so they couldn’t be recognised.

Police are pleading that anyone with information call the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111.

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