Woman (75) assaulted, farmer fatally stabbed in KZN

Five men broke into the woman's house and robbed her. As they fled, her neighbour (a local farmer) was stabbed by the men.

The community of eMkhomazi (formerly Umkomaas) on the KZN South Coast is reeling in shock after the murder of a farmer in Fountainhead, yesterday.

It is alleged that at about 07:00, the complainant, a 75-year-old female, was at her home with the back door open but the burglar gate locked, when five men broke into the house.

While in her room, she heard a noise by her gate, and when she looked, she noticed the unknown men at her gate. She pushed the door closed and went into the room. The suspects broke the gate lock and entered.

One of the suspects assaulted the complainant, hitting her in the head with the butt of a firearm. The perpetrators demanded cash. She informed them to check a drawer, and they took an undisclosed amount of cash, cellphones, and a computer.

While the perpetrators were leaving the house, they were approached by a neighbour, who they stabbed several times with an unknown instrument. The perpetrators fled on foot.

“The neighbour was rushed to a nearby clinic for treatment but was declared upon arrival,” says SAPS communications officer Sergeant TP Dlamini.

Cases of house robbery and murder have been opened and are under investigation by Umkomaas SAPS. No arrests have been made as yet.

Read original story on risingsunnewspapers.co.za

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