Why are bunnies and eggs associated with Easter?

The meaning behind rabbits and eggs as Easter symbols explained.

It is Easter — a time when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But have you ever wondered why you see rabbits, eggs and even chickens everywhere in stores and on your Facebook feed?

No mention has been made of Easter bunnies or eggs in the Bible, but the earliest recorded mention of rabbits as an Easter symbol was in 15th century German literature, but the rabbit symbol stems from 13th century pre-pagan traditions.

It is believed that rabbits are associated with the Teutonic goddess, Eostre, who is a goddess of fertility and spring. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and spring time.

As Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in the 15th century, Germanic and pagan symbols became intertwined.

German children would leave carrots out for the Easter bunny hoping the bunny would leave them extra sweets to eat.

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